“I don’t have time to go to the gym.”
“I don’t have enough equipment.”
These are some of the most common workout excuses.
I get it.
Long work hours and busy social lives leave little time to get into the gym and hit a solid session.
But, fitness doesn’t have to be complicated. You can build muscle and strength with just a resistance band.
This portable stretchy band is all you need for an effective full-body workout. In this article, we will show you how to perform a full-body workout with just a resistance band.
Which Resistance Band Should I Use?
Resistance bands come in all shapes and sizes.
Generally, the thicker the band, the harder the resistance. If you can, get a selection of resistance bands to give you more options during your workout.
But, if you want to stick with one, get a thin band. If you want to make the resistance harder, you can always loop the band or adjust the placement.
Another consideration is the length of the resistance band. Smaller looped bands are great for booty exercises, but not much else.
We recommend getting a longer band that can be used for a range of exercises. If you need to shorten the band, you can always create multiple loops.

Full-Body Resistance Band Workout
Perform this workout as a circuit.
Work for 30 seconds before taking a 30-second rest.
Complete 3 to 5 rounds, depending on your ability level.
1. Resistance Band Floor Press
The resistance band floor press is very similar to a bench press, aka the king of chest exercises.
But, since the range of motion is reduced, the floor press places more emphasis on the triceps and shoulders. Therefore, this exercise is a great upper body burner.
Muscles Worked
Pectorals, triceps, and anterior shoulders.
How to Perform
Lay on your back with the resistance band beneath your shoulder blades. Grab either end of the band and bring your arms to a 90-degree angle. Extend your arms to near lockout, pause, then slowly return to the starting position.
Technique Tips
- Pause at the bottom of each rep, don’t “bounce” out of each rep.
- Extending to near lockout will keep tension in the muscles throughout the movement.
Alternative Exercise
- Resistance band chest press: If you have access to a bench, use it to create a greater range of motion at the shoulder joint. This will put more emphasis on the chest muscles and help increase full range shoulder stability.
2. Resistance Band Pushdowns
Resistance band pushdowns place specific emphasis on the back of the arms or our triceps. For this exercise, you’ll need something sturdy to wrap the band around, such as a pull-up bar.
Muscles Worked
Triceps and rear shoulders.
How to Perform
Loop the resistance band around your sturdy object. Hold each side of the resistance band in a position where you can feel tension in the band when your arms are at a 90-degree angle. Next, extend your arms to near lockout. Pause for a second before returning to a 90-degree angle.
Technique Tips
- Keep your elbows tucked in to prevent any stress on the shoulder joint.
- Don’t use your back to assist the movement. Keep your core and glutes tight to keep your torso in a fixed position.
Alternative Exercise
- Overhead resistance band extensions: If you don’t have something to wrap your resistance band around, perform overhead resistance band extensions to target your triceps.
3. Resistance Band Bent Over Rows
Resistance band bent-over rows are a great way to develop your back muscles, improve posture, and reduce back pain. They are also a compound movement that works multiple muscle groups, not just one.
Muscles Worked
Latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, trapezius, and biceps.
How to Perform
Stand with both feet on the resistance band. Pull your shoulders back and engage your core. Keeping your back straight, send your hips back until your torso comes near parallel to the floor.
Adjust your hands until you feel tension in the resistance band. Pull your elbows back until the shoulder blades are squeezed together. Pause briefly before returning to the starting position.
Technique Tips
- Imagine pulling the band in line with your belly button.
- Keep your head in a neutral position throughout the movement.
Alternative Exercise
- Resistance band face pulls: If you want to focus on your rear delts and rotator cuffs, resistance band face pulls are a great alternative. Loop the band around a sturdy object and pull the band inline with your eyes.
4. Resistance Band Bicep Curls
Resistance band bicep curls help build muscle and strength in the front of the arms or the biceps. They’re also a great alternative to dumbbell or barbell curls as they place less pressure on the wrists.
Muscles Worked
Biceps, brachialis, and brachioradialis.
How to Perform
Stand with both feet on the resistance band. Pull your shoulders back and engage your core. Adjust your hands until you feel tension in the resistance band. Curl the band up to your shoulders, pause for a second, then slowly lower to the starting position.
Technique Tips
- Take your time, don’t rush this exercise. Staying slow and controlled will keep tension in your biceps.
- Don’t engage your shoulders or torso to help with the momentum. Keep tension in the biceps.
Alternative Exercise
- Resistance band wide bicep curls: Try wide bicep curls to target the inner head of the biceps. To perform resistance band wide bicep curls, move your forearms out 45-degrees from a regular curl.
5. Resistance Band Shoulder Press
The resistance band shoulder press is one of the best exercises for strengthening your shoulders and upper back. The resistance band shoulder press is also a compound exercise that targets a variety of upper body muscles.
Muscles Worked
Anterior deltoids, triceps, trapezius, and pectorals.
How to Perform
Stand with both feet on the resistance band. Pull your shoulders back and engage your core. Next, pull the resistance band up to shoulder height. This is your starting position. Extend your arms above your head, pause for a second, then slowly return to the starting position.
Technique Tips
- Once the band passes your forehead, push your head forward.
- Keep your glutes and core tight throughout the movement.
Alternative Exercise
- Resistance band squat and press: For a full-body exercise, add a squat to the start of this movement.
6. Resistance Band Glute Bridges
Resistance band glute bridges help build power in the triple extension and contribute to the growth of your glutes.
Muscles Worked
Glutes, hip flexors, and lower back.
How to Perform
Lay flat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place the resistance band over your hips and use your hands to secure the band to the floor. Lift your hips until they are in line with your knees and shoulders. Pause briefly before lowering to the starting position.
Technique Tips
- Imagine pushing your hips to the sky.
- Keep your knees pushed out to target your hip abductors.
Alternative Exercise
- Single leg resistance band glute bridges: Unilateral exercises help prevent any muscle imbalances and thus reduce the risk of injury.
7. Resistance Band Duck Walks
Resistance band duck walks are a great exercise for developing strength and muscle in the legs. Additionally, they help build stability around the knee joints.
Muscles Worked
Lower abdomen, quads, glutes, and calves.
How to Perform
Stand with your feet together and the resistance band looped around your thighs, just above the knee. Slightly bend the knees and push the hips back to come into a quarter squat position. Step one foot to the side, then bring the other leg in to return to the squat position. Repeat, then switch legs.
Technique Tips
- Remain in a quarter squat position throughout the movement.
- Keep feet wide to ensure tension stays in the resistance band.
Alternative Exercise
- Resistance band squats: Performing resistance band squats will work a greater range of motion at the hips, knee, and ankle joints.
8. Resistance Band Straight Leg Deadlifts
Resistance band straight leg deadlifts are used to build muscle and strength in the back of your legs or hamstrings. They’re also a great accessory exercise to help improve your squat.
Muscles Worked
Hamstrings, erectors, lats, and glutes.
How to Perform
Stand with both feet on the resistance band. Pull your shoulders back and engage your core. Adjust your hands until you feel tension in the resistance band. Then, keeping your back straight, send your hips back until your torso comes near parallel to the floor. Pause briefly, then push the hips forward to return to the starting position.
Technique Tips
- Explode during hip extension to build additional power in the glutes.
- Focus on hinging at the hips rather than bending the back.
Alternative Exercise
Resistance band Romanian deadlifts: To take some pressure off your lower back, try bending the knees slightly to perform Romanian deadlifts.
Other Full-Body At Home Workout Ideas
Check out our other at-home workout guides –
- Full-Body Sandbag Workout
- Full-Body Barbell Workout
- Full-Body Kettlebell Workout
- Full-Body Battle Ropes Workout
- Full-Body Dumbbell Workout
Key Takeaways
No time to get to the gym? No equipment at home?
No problem.
You can build muscle and strength with just a resistance band. This portable stretchy band is all you need for an effective full-body workout.
Follow our full-body workout above and we guarantee you will be feeling it.